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This is an interesting plaque detailing the bequest of William Killingworth Hedges Esquire, to firstly ensure the upkeep of a relative's grave, and secondly to provide assistance for the elderly in need in the parish. A photo of the grave mentioned is among those taken in the churchyard, further down the the thumbnail menu.

The text of the plaque reads thus:

who died on the 21st of October 1852
bequeathed to the RECTOR, CHURCHWARDENS and PARISH CLERK of the Parish of WOOTTON nr WOODSTOCK, OXON, the sum of TWO HUNDRED POUNDS to be invested in their names in Consols and called the KILLINGWORTH BEQUEST, and out of the annual interest to pay one guinea to the Parish Clerk to certify and attend to the keeping in decent repair for ever the Tombstone and Grave of WILLIAM KILLINGWORTH who died on the 14th of March 1767, and the surplus after paying the needful repairs of the Tombstone & Grave to be given annually on the anniversary of the decease of the said WILLIAM KILLINGWORTH, either in money, clothes, or fuel to any Poor Parishioner above the age of Sixty who has never received Parochial relief that the Rector for the time being thinks most deserving, one of the name of either KILLINGWORTH or HEDGES to have the preference if equally deserving.

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Parish church     Parish church

Parish church     Parish church

Parish church     Parish church