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Parish church

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Unfortunately the problems with St Giles's structure were not solved by the rebuilding and restoration in 1762, and by 1900 the tower was in such a poor state that the parishioners feared to attend church, as large lumps of masonry were liable to fall at any time.

To add to the church's distress, during the 1900-1 winter a severe storm blew in the east window and great snow drifts partially filled the church. A great deal of the church was again rebuilt and the tower removed. The cost this time was £1,400.

Three bells from the original tower, one of which is badly cracked, stand at the back of the church and on the wall, behind the Norman font, is a picture of the church as it was with its tower. As late as 1990, just outside the door of the church were the remains of the village stocks.

Parish church

Parish church