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Astrop means east hamlet. Around 1200, Astrop was known as Estrop.

To travel by road to Astrop, take the M40 and exit at Junction 10 (one hour and five minutes from London approx, 55 minutes from Birmingham approx). From the junction take the A43 (Northampton, M1 road) for a quarter of a mile. Reaching a roundabout (Baynard's Green), turn left on to the B4100 and continue until you reach Aynho (about four miles). Continue straight on through Aynho and, about half a mile beyond Aynho, you will see a turn right to King's Sutton. Drive to King's Sutton, and reaching the village look for the Astrop Road, heading to the right. Once on the Astrop Road, as you leave King's Sutton, you have arrived in the Astrop area.